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SO 2016-05 Regional Honours Act ENACTED

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SO 2016-05 Regional Honours Act ENACTED Empty SO 2016-05 Regional Honours Act ENACTED

Post by Abdoa Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:10 pm

An Act to award specific members of Our Region because of their actions within the said Our Region.

BE IT ENACTED by the PRIME MINISTER and the PRESIDENT, by and with the advice and consent of PARLIAMENT and the CABINET, in this present assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-

Chapter One: State College of Heraldry and Honours
Article 1
There shall be created an State Corporate Body, which shall be known as the "State College of Heraldry and Honours".

Article 2
The Prime Minister can appoint any member of Our Region to the position of King of Arms, who shall have the duties to:

a. manage, direct, lead and control the State College of Heraldry and Honours;
b. grant unto members, as regulated by this Act, awards and honours;
c. advise any body of State on the subject of heraldry or honours.

Article 3
The King of Arms shall hold his position for six months. There shall not be any term limits upon this body.

Article 4
The King of Arms can be removed from office by the Prime Minister, or in his absence the Minister of Development at any time, if in the opinion of one of them, the King of Arms is incapable by reason of ill-health (ceasing to exist) of performing his functions, or has committed stated misbehavior or his removal appears to the Prime Minister to be necessary for the effective performance of the functions of the office (leaving the Our Region).

Article 5
The King of Arms can appoint or remove, with the consent of the Prime Minister, other members as Heralds of Arms, which have the same duties as the King of Arms, with the exception of the duty regulated in Article 2.a under this Act.

Article 7
The titles of "King of Arms" and "Herald of Arms" shall be protected from unlawful usage by the Minister of Development, or in his absence, the Minister of Justice.

Chapter Two: Regulations of Titles, Honours and other Awards
Section 1: Granting
Article 8
Any member of Our Region can receive titles, honours and awards, and has the right to bear them as long as he lawfully resides within Our Region, and/or is not convicted by any body of the Judicial Branch of the State.

Article 9
The Prime Minister may grant an honour, title or award to all citizens in Our region.

Article 10
1. Any citizen of Our Region may request by the Prime Minister that another citizen of Our Region shall be awarded with such grants. A citizen may request such a grant for neither himself nor a puppet of himself.
2. The request as stated in Article 10.1 of this Act must at least include:
a. the name of the requestor;
b. the name of the one who, according to the request, should gain such grants;
c. the reason why the named person should be awarded such grants;
d. the type of title, honour or award the requestor would like to be granted;
e. the date at which the requestor has made the request.

Article 11
1. When the Prime Minister is presented with a request, he can either approve or deny it. The Prime Minister shall let the requestor know of his decision as he has made it.
2. If the Prime Minister approves such request or when he decides to grant the honour himself, he shall order the State College of Heraldry and Honours, by warrant, to make such grants on his behalf.

Section 2: Titles, awards and honours
Article 12
1. There shall be Titles, which can be created by the King of Arms and his Heralds, upon the order of the Prime Minister. Titles shall be structured as follows, from the most senior to the most junior, as written down here:

a. Prince of the Realm;
b. Duke of the Realm;
c. Marquess of the Realm;
d. Earl of the Realm;
e. Viscount of the Realm;
f. Baron of the Realm;
g. Knight of the Realm.

2. With the grant of a title shall come along the name of a territorial name for the holder.
3. Any citizen can bear more titles at any given time, but he is only permitted to actively hold the highest of them.
4. Titles shall be protected by the State from unlawful bearing.
5. There shall be a "Roll of the Peerage", controlled and updated by the King of Arms, which lists all granted titles.
6. Titles shall be awarded for exceptional service to Our Region.

Article 13
1. There shall be Medals, which can be created by the Prime Minister and shall be granted by the King of Arms or his Heralds, upon the order of the Prime Minister. Medals must be created by law, which shall also regulate for which the Medal may be awarded.
2. Medals shall be protected by the State from unlawful bearing.
3. There shall be a "List of Medals", controlled and updated by the King of Arms, which lists all granted Medals.

Article 14
There shall be Commendation Letters, which can be created by the Prime Minister and shall be granted by the said Prime Minister. The Prime Minister shall declare himself for which reasons Commendation Letters can be awarded, which shall include good service to Our Region.

Article 15
Other awards, may be created by the Ministers of Cabinet, and shall be regulated by law.

Article 16
The King of Arms may lay down his own regulations upon his Heralds, in order to let the State College of Heraldry and Honours work as efficient as it can.

23rd March 2016
Libertarian Democracy

Status: enacted

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Join date : 2015-10-24
Location : Chadjbi Parma, Abdoa

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